Learning Resources

The Academy libraries are named in honor of Mr. Clifford C. F. Wong, whose family are major contributors to the establishment and development of the Academy. Opened in August of 2007 when the school moved to its present location in Pokfulam, The Clifford C. F. Wong Primary Library and The Clifford C. F. Wong Secondary Library are excellent sources of knowledge, enjoyment, and inspiration to our students.

Our vision of the Academy as a Chinese school with a global perspective is reflected in our libraries. Not only are they designed in a style of east-meets-west, our Secondary and Primary collections also have a blend of English and Chinese books. The Clifford C. F. Wong Libraries support classroom teaching and encourage all students to be self-sufficient, lifelong, and technology-proficient learners by providing generous spaces for individual and group study and a collection of over 180,000 books, journals, newspapers, research databases, and multimedia items to satisfy both the curriculum and leisure needs of the Academy community.

The libraries have adopted a flexible schedule to accommodate the needs of our students. All our students make extensive use of the library, including students as young as those in the Foundation Year who have dedicated library classes and learn from our librarians in small independent groups, or in collaboration with teachers on a variety of projects. Library staff are available to assist students and teachers on the use of library-printed and electronic resources before, during, and after school hours.

In support of The Academy’s mission and vision, the Clifford C. F. Wong Libraries feature an inviting, friendly, service-oriented, student-focused environment that encourages the exchange of ideas, intellectual curiosity, learning, and discovery. In addition to quiet study, our libraries provide resources and services that meet the informational needs of our students.  As a center for teaching, learning and research in the school, the libraries provide access to recorded knowledge and information that is consistent with present and anticipated informational needs at the Academy.

We support the school’s commitment to excellence in education by:

  • Promoting information literacy;
  • Promoting reading to support the Putonghua and English bilingual immersion program;
  • Providing quality information services to students, parents, staff and the community at large;
  • Housing the library’s collections in facilities conducive to the use and preservation of the collections;
  • Providing an inviting, welcoming, safe, well-maintained, and aesthetically pleasing environment;
  • Providing bibliographic, physical, and intellectual access within the library and outside the library to recorded knowledge and information consistent with the learning, teaching, researching, educational, social, and recreational activities of the school community;
  • Acquiring materials and access to materials in appropriate formats and in sufficient quantity, depth, and diversity to support teaching, education, research, and study in the different subject areas of the Academy curriculum, in addition to documented information needs consistent with the social and recreational activities of the school community;
  • Guiding our students in the identification, interpretation, and use of library materials, information, resources, and equipment; and
  • Responding to the changing state of knowledge, the curriculum, and the informational needs of our students by evaluating collections, services, and resources, and implementing change as appropriate.

We collaborate with teachers to help our students solve problems through many different resource-based learning activities and help students integrate their knowledge to become active, responsible and creative lifelong learners. The goal of the library instructional program is to provide students with library research skills necessary to attain their academic goals at the Academy, prepare them for using college and university libraries after they leave our school, and promote their love for lifelong learning in a society where information is organized in increasingly complex ways.