CLASS of 2022
Athena Chan
I really like the fact that I could experience both Western and Chinese cultures in ISF, building a solid language ability and good vocabulary. I am proud to communicate fluently in Cantonese, Putonghua and English. We all have the diligence to pursue our goals and dreams within the school.
I embrace the opportunities at ISF, especially in research. We were able and lucky enough to participate in American Geophysical Union (AGU) and it helped me understand the steps required to fully compose a research piece all on your own. Needless to say is the collection of research equipment afforded to us to facilitate our work.
In addition, I would also want to expand on the science literacy side.
I really want to make science more legible for people so we don’t consume misinformation, especially in times like COVID.

Athena Chan
McGill University
Major in Biochemistry