CLASS of 2022
Yiu Wai Au Young
The past few years have been an absolutely wild journey. While it was awfully hectic, terribly difficult, and dreadfully tiring at times, it has also been full of hysterical stories, amazing memories, and special moments. Without every single experience, I would not be who I am today. I will forever treasure the memories I have made here, no matter the good, bad, or the ugly. Because without the worst of times, the best of times would not mean the same.
Looking forward, I am optimistically uncertain about the future. While I may have no concrete or definitive plans for the far future, I will always take life as it comes, with my head up and a stupid joke prepared. With how unpredictable and absurd life is, perhaps that is the most concrete plan of all.

Yiu Wai Au Young
King’s College London, University of London
Major in History