Lok Yi Li

As a student since Foundation, ISF has shaped who I am today. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” I am forever grateful to be part of a community filled with supportive friends and teachers who provided a safe and comfortable environment for failures, as well as the encouragement to bounce back and strive for success.

I still remember the immense anxiousness on my first day of school in foundation year as I became overwhelmed by the rows of students seated in the Old Gym. That girl was shy, scared, and had no idea what her future entails other than her imaginative world as she daydreamed through most assemblies and classes.

However, having spent 13 years at ISF with an inspiring and loving cohort, as well as teachers who helped her develop numerous core values neccessory for success…… that girl has grown into a passionate young adult who is able to stand up for what she believes in, who has found her aspiration in serving the community through becoming a compassionate doctor.

My last day of school at ISF was a bittersweet moment. It is difficult to accept the fact that I will no longer be passing through the secondary gates every morning. After all, ISF has provided me with friendships, knowledge, and sweet memories that I will forever treasure, and it makes me proud to be in a cohort with people so talented and humble at the same time. I am most thankful for support amongst the ISF community of friends, peers and teachers, and I owe my academic success and happiness to them.