ISF Wushu Team Victorious at Open Championship
Our extraordinary Wushu Team never fails to amaze us as they continuously demonstrate growth and excellence in their awe-inspiring performances.
During the highly competitive 2023-24 Youth Wushu Popularization Training Program Championship, our team stood out among outstanding participants, garnering a multitude of accolades. Their remarkable performance earned them a staggering seven group championships, securing not only the prestigious Supreme Awards for the highest team score but also recognition for outstanding individual achievements.
Facing off against world-class athletes and members of the Hong Kong representative team in the individual event, our fearless wushu warriors emerged victorious, clinching numerous championships. Out of the 17 team members from the Wushu Athletic Honors team, a remarkable 10 of them were conferred the coveted all-round awards.
While we strive to refine and perfect the act of Wushu among our students, we recognize their boundless potential in every aspect. We will always be rooting and cheering for them in maintaining this indomitable spirit and growth.