Part-time Teacher of Biotechnology

Shuyuan Mission Statement

The ISF Academy Shuyuan is based on the classical Chinese learning sanctuary and the Platonic Academy, the goal of which is independent study and inquiry under the guidance of a master. Set in the 21st century, the courses that the Shuyuan program offers aim to promote deep and thoughtful scholarship in a multidisciplinary environment, allowing selected students to pursue challenging branches of knowledge beyond the regularly taught curriculum.  These courses require long-term dedication, as the skills developed are cumulative and form the foundation for rigorous, life-long learning.  Our ultimate goals are the development of sound scholarship, solid academic study, challenging research opportunities, intellectual curiosity, and practical wisdom.

Commencement Date: August 1, 2025

Working Days: 1.5 days per week


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology or related subjects;
  • Experience in teaching Grade 9 – Grade 10 Biotechnology classes;
  • Experience in a bilingual working environment is required; and
  • Strong IT and curriculum development skills will be regarded favorably.

Please send in your completed forms together with full curriculum vitae and covering letter,



BY MAIL to:  HR Office, The ISF Academy, 1 Kong Sin Wan Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong (mark the position’s REF code on the envelope)