Gap Year Considerations

Here are a few selected articles to help you decide whether taking a gap year is right for you/your child, and how to go about planning one. 


The Princeton Review

According to David Hawkins, director of public policy and research at the National Association for College Admission Counseling, taking a gap year ‘could actually help students succeed in college,’ since participants may be more focused, mature, and motivated for their undergraduate experience.


Go Overseas

“Many colleges and universities are increasingly open to the idea of students taking gap years before entering as freshman.”



“ ‘As parents we raise our kids to think for themselves, to be creative, to follow their own path,’ Levin says. ‘But then suddenly, starting in their junior year, we are asking them to go along this very prescribed path that might not be right for them. Now I feel like when [my son] does go to college, he’ll really be ready.’ ”


The Gap Year Association