Introduction to Grade 9 & Grade 10 UGC Curriculum

Grade 9

The UGC curriculum provides support and lessons from Grades 9 to 12. The level of significance and rigor increases as students progress through secondary school. 

The lessons in Grade 9 are exploratory, focusing on how interests lead to education and training pathways. These lessons center on building students’ career awareness through a variety of assessment tools and electronic platforms, such as Unifrog, UCAS Careers Quiz, 16-Personalities, and UGC-led tasks and activities. The ability to match career options with personalities and interests motivates students to research further the post-secondary education and career pathways that align with their aspirations.

Every Grade 9 student is assigned a personal UGC Counselor in Term 3.

Grade 10

The UGC support given to Grade 10 students focuses on IBDP options at the beginning of the academic year and then shifts to the introduction of university research towards  the second term. Students and parents are offered at least one 1:1 meeting with a UGC Counselor to discuss IBDP options. This is an essential step in ensuring an appropriate selection of IBDP subjects is chosen according to the students’ capability and aims in university studies. 

Students’ university research includes lessons on summer courses, standardized and admissions tests, and ways to approach universities (e.g., campus visits, university fairs, online webinars, etc.). The UGC Team also offers opportunities for students and parents to make appointments to speak directly to their assigned UGC Counselor about plans and actions to be taken. Preparation for university applications is highly individualized.

UGC Grade 9 and 10 Checklist

  • I am researching higher education options in Hong Kong, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada.
  • I am planning my summer activities to include courses, job shadowing, internships, test preparation, or school revision.
  • If I am considering applying to US colleges and universities, I will take the sample ACT and SAT tests offered online to determine which best suits my learning style.
  • I am going to be pursuing studies in the US and beginning to prepare for the SAT and/or the ACT tests using resources discussed in class, such as Khan Academy, or considering more formalized tutoring outside of school.
  • I am working hard in my classes, realizing that my school transcript grades from Grades 9 through 12 will be submitted to colleges and universities.
  • If my family takes a vacation, I will visit a local university(ies) to get a sense of campus and college life or visit a university here in Hong Kong.
  • My parents and I will begin attending college visits advertised by the UGC team.
  • I will begin to build my college resume by thinking about the leadership, extracurricular, and volunteer activities that I have and will participate in.
  • I have created a Unifrog user account.
  • I will complete all tasks and assessments administered by UGC and review the results, ensuring my IBDP course choices align with the results.