Other Application Systems

As each country and university has its own admissions system, different application systems and methods of application are adopted to suit the needs of the institution. Below are the most commonly used electronic application systems that ISF students use to apply to universities in the US, the UK, Canada, Hong Kong, and Australia.  

U.S. Universities

While the majority of U.S. universities partner with the Common Application system, several have developed their own application systems. The examples listed below are institutions that ISF students tend to apply to in addition to the Common Application system.  Students should always use the official application system designated by the universities they are interested in. 


U.K. Universities

Most ISF students apply to universities in the United Kingdom through UCAS. However, pre-degree courses like Art Foundation courses allow students to make direct applications to the institutions with the University of the Arts in London (UAL) being an example.

Canadian Universities

Applications to Canadian universities are either through the university’s direct application system or a centralized, provincial application service. Examples of centralized application systems include The Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) for institutions in Ontario and EducationPlannerBC for institutions in British Columbia. McGill University and The University of Alberta are examples of universities that practice direct application.

Hong Kong Universities

Currently, there are eight UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong. All of them have a separate, direct application system for local non-JUPAS students studying in Hong Kong, which includes students pursuing the IB Diploma Program. The eight UGC-funded universities are


Australian Universities

Universities in Australia offer the options of applying through centralized Tertiary Admissions Centers and direct-application systems. The appropriate pathway is determined by the student’s nationality. If the student is a citizen of Australia or New Zealand, s/he will apply through the relevant Tertiary Admissions Center for each state such as VTAC (Victoria), UAC (New South Wales), etc. Those without Australian or New Zealand citizenship are considered international students and will apply directly on the university’s website.