
Unifrog is a tool integrated into the UGC curriculum from Grade 8 onwards to enable our students to plan their future early. It is an online research platform with career exploration components designed to help students make appropriate and informed decisions when it comes to university applications. Unifrog consolidates every step of the research process in one place, including the understanding of oneself through psychometric tests, exploring one’s interests, building a resume, and weighing up different university courses and systems. 

Unifrog also complements the UGC curriculum with webinars, comprehensive guides, and extended learning opportunities. Using these functions, Unifrog enables the research carried out by the student materialize into constructive conversations between their peers, their parents, and their counselors, which ultimately supports the student in actioning a plan forward.

The many tools of Unifrog are categorized into four themes: Exploring pathways, Recording what you’ve done, Searching opportunities and drafting application materials. 


Exploring pathways: tools in this category encourage students to learn more about themselves and their interests. This is done through different types of psychometric tests, webinars, free online self-paced courses, and comprehensive know-how guides.


Recording what you’ve done: tools in this category help students build their profile for university applications, such as uploading certificates, drafting resumes, reflecting on their strengths.


Searching opportunities: this is possibly the favorite category for the counselors and students because it consists of libraries of universities that are searchable by country. Unifrog helps to generate a balanced set of university suggestions that consist of aspirational, match, and safer schools. 

Drafting application materials: tools in this category include drafting of personal statements and tailoring CVs for each role.