Class of 2024, we are inordinately proud to acknowledge you once again!

We dedicate this celebration page and extend our most profound congratulations on your triumphant journey through what is undoubtedly one of the world’s most rigorous and intellectually demanding curriculum. You have illuminated the milestone year of ISF with flying colors and the promise of a bright future.

As we culminate the 20th anniversary of our institution, it is particularly poignant and heartening to pay tribute to your cohort. Sending you off in this commemorative year carries special significance, as both our graduates and institution are closing one remarkable chapter to embark on the next.

We wish only the best for our wonderful graduates, as you step into a world brimming with possibilities, as well as uncertainties. You are well equipped to embrace either.

As both our graduates and school continue to make strides and exert influence beyond our walls, we are confident that you will be guided by the moral compass of The Eight Virtues + One, staying true to the vision and mission of ISF.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reflections here with us. Congratulations and see you again, ISF alumni!

Katrina Chan

Davina Chan

Donna Cheung

Ka Hei Chu

Cecilia Gong

Danny Huang

Julie Huang

Emma Kast

Austin Lee

Thomas Leung

Anderson Liew

Sophia Lin

Clara Qiu

Zachary Tang

Angela Wang

Oscar Wang

Timothy Chan

Valerie Huang

Stacy Lu

Karissa Mirza

Anthony Ng

Nicholas Ng

Athena Shang

Echo Sheng

Jamee Tsai

Michelle Wang

Tienna Wang

Zhiyu Zhang

Kiara Ba

John Chan

Ronnie Cheung

Megan Ching

Cameron Chow

Bethany Chu

Dabria Chu

Nigel Ho

Sophie Le Couedic

Jamie Lee

Danielle Lin

Hong Kiu Lui

Sharon Tang

George Wyatt

Titus Yau

Samuel Arosti

Ally Cheung

Trinity Fung

Lucy Lai

Jasmine Leung

Isabel Picazo

Luca Picazo

Winston Shen

Myleigh Slom

Andre Wong

Ariel Wong

Belle Wong

Caleb Wong

Lok Chee Wong

Valerie Wong

Kaya Zhang

Serena Zhong

Alex Zhou

Joshua Cheng

China Choy

Alex Chu

Lucian Clayton

Charlotte Dixon

Sichun Gong

Sophia Jiang

Sunny Jiang

Ashlynn Lau

Vivian Lee

Hayley Leung

Hansen Li

Ryan Li

Paris Liang

Eric Mok

Neo Niu

Kennice Pong

Athena Wong

Charisse Wong

Hailey Wong

Joshua Wong

Charlie Zhou