Teaching and Learning at the Academy – An Independent, Chinese and Global Transition to University

UGC’s teaching and learning pedagogy is the interface where the three core values of the Academy – Independent, Chinese and Global – interact. We firmly believe that developing the following qualities in the Academy graduates equip them as individuals to find personal achievement and well-being as well as to become future leaders on the societal and global stage.


Students at The ISF Academy master both Chinese and English proficiency. Each year, approximately 75% of our students receive the prestigious Bilingual Diploma which recognizes a first-language level of proficiency in both Chinese and English. Bilingualism is also practiced in the UGC team. In addition to Chinese translation during UGC-led events for parents and written communication to parents, UGC offers translation services during individual counseling sessions for students and families who require them. This allows UGC counselors to effectively guide and support students in their higher education planning journey.

Internationalism (Global)

With a proven track record in helping ISF students receive offers from higher education institutions all around the world, including QS Top 100 universities in the US, UK, Hong Kong, Canada, and beyond, all UGC counselors are well-versed in global admissions counseling. The members of the UGC Team are graduates from esteemed universities in Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and have all received professional qualifications related to university guidance counseling. Such diverse backgrounds and professional qualifications equip the team with extensive knowledge, personal insights, and a range of experiences within various university systems, enabling them to provide exceptional counseling services to ISF students and families.

UGC seeks to provide the best university counseling services to ISF families through an integrative counseling model, in which every member of the team is dedicated to developing various aspects relating to higher education and sharing their expertise with the rest of the team. The UGC Team works collectively to support every student’s university applications.

To foster a truly international approach, ISF does not impose a limit on the number of post-secondary institutions students can apply to. We believe in allowing students the freedom to explore a wide range of options in order to find their best-fit institution. Moreover, we actively encourage students to participate in campus visits across the globe, enabling them to broaden their horizons and fully immerse themselves in a globally-oriented educational experience.

Eight Virtues + One (And the IB Learner Profile)

UGC endeavors to harness the best of Chinese culture with a global perspective in its classroom teaching and university guidance and counseling practices. UGCenjoys a high level of autonomy in putting in place working systems, and resources, while following practices informed by The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC’s) Code of Ethics and Professional Practices; this ensures that every student can find success in the university application process. In addition to making ‘good-fit’ choices and informed decisions for college and beyond, empowering students to transition well into university studies is just as important. Grounded in Chinese culture and with a global perspective, The Academy instills in its students core values that, while drawn from Chinese heritage, are relevant in the 21st century. There is a natural synergy between the Eight Virtues + One and the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. We believe that developing these attributes ensures that students graduate from the Academy as global citizens – as passionate, balanced, caring, inquisitive and principled – each one a lifelong learner ready for the next stage of their academic journey.