IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)

Subject Aims and Objectives

The English Curriculum at the Academy aims to develop students who:

  • Explore the English language, its literature, historical development and global variations in its use.
  • Understand how English is used in a variety of contexts, through listening, reading and viewing to become proficient users of the language in speech, writing and text design. In this way, students develop culturally, intellectually and socially in an international language.
  • Learn to use English; learn through English; and learn about English.
  • Develop their English sufficiently to enable them to access the Language and Literature course or, as necessary, the Language Acquisition program which may better suit the needs of some students.
  • Engage with and respond to a variety of written, spoken, bimodal and multimodal texts in English. They develop an understanding of the forms and purposes of texts, their contexts and cultures.


English in Grade 6 to 10

Students develop an appreciation of the nature of Language and Literature, of its many influences and of its power and beauty. They learn to recognize that proficiency in language is a powerful tool for communication in all societies, incorporating creative processes and encouraging the development of imagination and creativity through self-expression.


The six skill areas in the IB MYP Language and Literature subject group – listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting – develop as both independent and interdependent skills. They are centered within an inquiry-based learning environment. Inquiry is at the heart of IB MYP language learning and aims to support a student’s understanding by providing  opportunities to independently and collaboratively investigate, take action and reflect.


As well as being academically rigorous, IB MYP Language and Literature equips students with linguistic, analytical and communicative skills that can also be used to develop interdisciplinary understanding across all other subject groups. A student’s interaction with chosen texts can generate insight into moral, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors. It helps develop opinion-forming, decision-making and ethical-reasoning skills, important attributes of an IB learner.


In Grade 10, Language and Literature students complete the Assessment examination, Language Acquisition students complete an e-Portfolio.

Subject Aims and Objectives

The aims of the Chinese curriculum at the Academy are to enable students to:

  • Explore language with a variety of learning tools, using language as a way to think, create, reflect, express and interact; become proficient users of the language in listening, speaking, writing, viewing, and presenting in different contexts.
  • Explore the characteristics and interrelationships of their own culture with other cultures; develop critical, creative, independent thinking and judgment skills.
  • Foster a sense of curiosity, an inquisitive spirit and an attitude that paves the way for lifelong learning.
  • Appreciate the spirit of Chinese culture, understand Chinese National affairs and Hong Kong’s society and cultivate an awareness of global citizenship through studying textual works from different cultures spanning various periods and genres.


Chinese in Grade 6 to 10

A brief summary of the skills, attitudes and content knowledge covered in Grades 6 to 10, including a summary of the requirements of the e-Portfolio / e-assessment.



  • Use language as a means of thinking, creation, reflection, expression and interaction.
  • Enhance language proficiency in listening, speaking, writing, viewing and presenting in different contexts.
  • Develop critical, independent thinking and creative thinking skills based on a foundation built upon textual knowledge; gain a deeper understanding through exploring diversified learning methods and electronic means, leading to an enriched appreciation of the humanities.



  • Diligent, courteous, proactive, accepting and open to learning.
  • Form a deeper understanding of one’s culture and its literature in a global context, draw a connection with community affairs and reflect from different perspectives.
  • Foster a lifelong attitude of curiosity, initiative and learning.


Content Knowledge

  • A range of texts suitable for students of different age groups, language competence and cultural background, through which students enhance their knowledge and writing proficiency.
  • A fundamental understanding of China’s history, geography and culture and understand the connection of knowledge establishment from a humanistic perspective.

Subject Aims and Objectives

The Individuals and Societies (I&S) Curriculum at the Academy aims to develop students who:

  • Appreciate human and environmental commonalities and diversity.
  • Understand the interactions and interdependence of individuals, societies and the environment.
  • Understand how both environmental and human systems operate and evolve.
  • Identify and develop concern for the well-being of human communities and the natural environment.
  • Act as responsible citizens of local and global communities.
  • Develop inquiry skills that lead towards conceptual understandings of the relationships between individuals, societies and the environments in which they live.


I&S in Grade 6 to 10

IB MYP I&S encourages learners to respect and understand the world around them and equips them with the necessary skills to inquire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological and cultural factors that have an impact on individuals, societies and environments. It encourages learners, both students and teachers, to consider local and global contexts.


IB MYP I&S incorporates disciplines traditionally studied under the general term “The Humanities” (such as History and Philosophy), as well as disciplines in social sciences (such as Economics, Geography and Political Science).


Within this subject group, students can engage in exciting, stimulating and relevant topics and issues. Many sensitive and personally challenging topics require careful consideration within the context of a safe and responsible learning environment characterized by respect and open-mindedness. The study of I&S helps students to appreciate critically the diversity of human culture, attitudes and beliefs. Courses in this subject group are important for helping students to recognize that content and methodology can be debatable and controversial and help in the practice of acceptance of uncertainty.


The IB’s approach to I&S embraces a strong focus on inquiry and investigation. Students collect, describe and analyze data used in studies of societies; test hypotheses; and learn how to interpret increasingly complex information, including original source material. This focus on real-world examples, research and analysis is an essential aspect of the subject group.


The study of I&S helps students to develop their identities as individuals and as responsible members of local and global communities. These explorations of our common humanity are intrinsically interesting, disciplines in this subject group are filled with the potential for creating a lifelong fascination with “the human story” as it continues to evolve in an era of rapid change and increasing interconnectedness. Studies in I&S are essential for developing empathy and international mindedness, including the idea that “other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Subject Aims and Objectives

The Mathematics Curriculum at the Academy aims to develop students who:

  • Enjoy mathematics, develop a curiosity and appreciation of its elegance and power.
  • Develop an understanding of the principles and nature of mathematics.
  • Communicate clearly and confidently in a variety of contexts.
  • Develop logical, critical and creative thinking.
  • Develop confidence, perseverance and independence in mathematical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Develop powers of generalization and abstraction.
  • Apply and transfer skills to a wide range of real-life situations, other areas of knowledge and future developments.
  • Appreciate how developments in technology and mathematics have influenced each other.
  • Appreciate the moral, social and ethical implications arising from the work of mathematicians and the applications of mathematics.
  • Appreciate the international dimension in mathematics through an awareness of the universality of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives.
  • Appreciate the contribution of mathematics to other areas of knowledge and specifically within the Diploma Programme as a particular “area of knowledge” in the Theory of Knowledge course.
  • Develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics.
  • Develop the ability to reflect critically upon their own work and the work of others.


Mathematics in Grade 6 to 10

Throughout the five years of the IB MYP Mathematics program, students cover concepts and terminology within four major units of investigation linked to the following core branches of Mathematics: Number, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry and Statistics and Probability. Students are asked to use mathematics to solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations in a variety of contexts, to work through inquiry-based investigations, to communicate mathematical ideas effectively and to transfer theoretical mathematical knowledge into real-world situations. In Grade 6 to 8 Mathematics classes are not leveled.


As students move into Grade 9 and 10, they will be enrolled in either Standard Level Mathematics or Extended Mathematics. Students will participate in the IB MYP e-assessment at the end of Grade 10, which is assessed against the four IB MYP Criteria in which they are expected to be able to apply their knowledge to challenging Mathematics problems and to have an in-depth knowledge of concepts taught throughout the IB MYP Mathematics program.

Subject Aims and Objectives

The Science Curriculum at the Academy aims to develop capable and confident science students who:

  • Can think critically to solve problems and evaluate information.
  • Have the knowledge and skills to apply their learning to everyday phenomena.
  • See the value in community and collaboration in a local and global context.
  • Are lifelong learners with a passion for progress.
  • Have keen practical skills that allow them to discover through experimentation.


IB MYP 1-2-3 Science (Grade 6 to 8)

For Grade 6 to 8, science students focus on building fundamental scientific knowledge and practical skills from 13 integrated units of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. These units focus on students’ conceptual understanding through key concepts of change, relationships and systems. The skills developed from these concepts include designing and performing investigations, evaluating evidence, and reaching conclusions. As they journey through three years of guided education, students will advance independently and collaboratively to investigate issues from their own research, observations, and experimentation.


IB MYP 4-5 (Grade 9 and 10)

For Grade 9 and 10, science students continue to develop their interdisciplinary learning through a Science Fiction unit in Grade 9 and a Human Impacts unit that spans the end of Grade 9 into Grade 10. Students also begin exploring disciplinary concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These units are taught by subject-specialist teachers and further develop the skills from IB MYP 1-2-3: designing and performing investigations, evaluating evidence and reaching conclusions. The curriculum in IB MYP 4-5 prepares students for the e-assessment whilst at the same time providing sufficient exposure to the three disciplines to make informed and successful IB Diploma Programme Science choices.

Subject Aims and Objectives

The Design Curriculum at the Academy aims to develop students who:

  • Enjoy the design process and develop an appreciation of its elegance and power.
  • Develop knowledge, understanding and skills from different disciplines to be able to design and create solutions to problems using the design cycle.
  • Use and apply technology effectively as a means to access, process and communicate information, model and create solutions and to solve problems.
  • Develop an appreciation of the impact of design innovations for life, global society and environments.
  • Appreciate past, present and emerging design within cultural, political, social, historical and environmental contexts.
  • Develop respect for others’ viewpoints and appreciate alternative solutions to problems.
  • Act with integrity and honesty and take responsibility for their own actions developing effective working practices.


Design in Grade 6 to 10

A brief summary of the skills, attitudes and content knowledge covered in Grade 6 to 10, including a summary of the requirements of the e-Portfolio / e-assessment. All Global Contexts covered from Grade 6 to 10 including emphasis on Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking and Communication.



  • Woodworking.
  • Soldering.
  • Laser engraving / cutting.
  • 3D drawing / printing.
  • Coding.
  • Modeling.
  • Sewing (hand and machine).
  • Dye sublimation.



  • Grade 6
    • Passive Amplifier.
    • Cultural Radiance.
  • Grade 7
    • Urban Planning.
    • Under the Sea.
  • Grade 8
    • The World at Your Fingertips.
    • House Spirit.
  • Grade 9
    • Raise Awareness.
    • Let the Good Times Roll.
  • Grade 10
    • Saving Space.
    • e-Portfolio*.


*e-Portfolio Requirements: A-D portfolio – Year 5 standards – Minimum 20-hour final project

Subject Aims and Objectives

The Arts Curriculum at the Academy aims to develop students who wish to:

  • Explore the world around them.
  • Create art that helps them to understand themselves and others.
  • Develop the skills that they need to produce high quality artwork.
  • Reflect on the rigorous processes they have gone through whilst making their work and analyze the impact that it has had on an audience.
  • Become more effective collaborators and communicators.
  • Transform ideas into action with confidence and support.


The Arts in Grade 6 to 10

Students studying the Arts at the Academy will learn a variety of skills in Visual and Performing Arts (Music and Drama) that will instill within them a sense of exploration, confidence and passion.  Through a variety of practical and analytical activities, students will experience immersion in the Arts, developing skills in a variety of artistic techniques including, but not limited to:


Visual Arts

  • A range of 2D and 3D art making forms: Drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics.
  • Lens based, electronic and screen based forms: Photography, Animation, Photoshop, Procreate, Affinity, Virtual Reality.
  • Theoretical understanding and visual analysis.
  • Creative thinking / ideation.



  • Use of technology – GarageBand, Noteflight, iMovie.
  • Aural skills.
  • Development of technique – instruments.
  • Appreciation of Music.
  • Theoretical knowledge.
  • History of Music (context, society, culture).



  • Use of body and voice in warm ups, concentration and cooperation activities.
  • Using technology such as GarageBand, Tinkercad, Canva and Piktochart to assist in knowledge and understanding.
  • Devising original theatre pieces.
  • Developing technical theatre skills through related software and in our performance venue.
  • Watching performances, both live and recorded.
  • Writing scripts as well as structured improvisation.
  • Creative thinking skills using mind maps, interviews and designs.
  • Learning performance styles and theories.
  • Critiquing and reflecting, in writing and speaking, on performances created as well as observed.


This culminates in a unit of work at the end of Grade 10 which is tailored to a student’s knowledge and skills, the results of which are independently moderated by the IB to ensure high standards as well as academic and creative rigor.


All of these rich, deep experiences, with caring and professional educators, fosters a lifelong appreciation for the subject and helps students to understand the possibilities of blending the knowledge and skills they have learnt to their future paths.

Subject Aims and Objectives

The Physical and Health Education (PHE) Curriculum at the Academy aims to develop students who:

  • Enjoy being physically active and recognize the value of activity to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
  • Acquire, refine and apply a range of key skills across different situations and activities.
  • Develop and apply their knowledge and understanding of key concepts, rules and techniques.
  • Seek to develop skills both as an individual and a member of a team.
  • Build and develop awareness of their key strengths in order to aid their progress in areas for development.


PHE in Grade 6 to 10

Students acquire, develop and refine key practical skills relating to a range of sports and activities including Invasion Games, Net / Wall Games, Aquatics and Swimming and Movement Composition.


Students will explore all global contexts within a variety of units over the 4 years including performance analysis, cultural awareness, team performance development, use of strategies and tactics and individual skill development. Students will be assessed within each criteria at least twice each year.


The e-Portfolio is a written work that covers all criteria A-D which is centered around performance development and reflection.