Leo Lee

As I reflect on my time at the ISF Academy, I am incredibly appreciative of the experiences and opportunities that have been presented to me. The past few years albeit rigorous have been a journey of growth and self-discovery.

I am proud of the person I have become and the life lessons I have acquired during my time at this esteemed institution.

As the saying goes: “Constant effort yields success”. Undoubtedly, ISF has inspired me to embrace challenges head-on and view them as opportunities for growth. Most importantly, I have met brilliant teachers and friends with whom I share a passion for learning. I am forever indebted to the teachers and classmates that have always supported my academic and personal development. I am grateful to have had the privilege of growing up in this diverse yet tight-knit community – a community that I can call a second home.

As I embark on the next phase of my life, I aspire to continue my journey of life-long learning; to create a lasting impact on Hong Kong and the world. At the present moment, I am looking forward to exploring the normative content of the law, especially advocating for laws grounded in morality.

I know that my path ahead will not be easy or straightforward, but one thing is certain: it will not be difficult to use the skills ISF has prepared me for.